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Services I Offer



Checkout for readings is at the bottom of the page.  Please scroll down to purchase a reading! If you choose to pay for a reading, please e-mail with three preferred days and times.

Right now I offer a few options for readings and hope to offer more in the future. With these options you can ask as many questions as you wish within the time frame you've paid for - though keep in mind that I highly prefer to not give negative information as a) I like to remain positive and give you hope and b) no psychic is 100% correct!


While I do offer free e-mail only readings as I'm able (please e-mail for a reading), keep in mind there will be a longer wait time with those. If you would like something with quicker results, I would suggest purchasing one of the options below.




30 minute live chat reading - to be done in private chatroom





60 minute live chat reading - to be done in a private chatroom



Once your reading is paid for, I will be e-mailing you within 3 days to schedule your reading. Please keep in mind that while I will do my best to meet your optimal time frame, I do have my own schedule to adhere to as well.